Discipline procedure

Each and every student is expected to abide and comply with the rules and regulations of the school. Students should expect to be corrected by teachers whenever they display unacceptable conduct.

1.If a student is involved in an act like running in the building, chewing gum, shouting, screaming, etc parents will be called if the teacher’s corrective action has proven unsuccessful.

2.In case of serious act like bullying, teasing, theft, cheating, fighting, lying, use of profanity or obscene gestures, disrespectful or rebellious attitude, violent threats, use of ordinary objects as weapon etc will result in suspension or an expulsion.

3.Inhaling intoxicants, smoking, chewing tobacco products, use of any kind of drugs or alcohol are strictly prohibited. If found/caught then it may lead to suspension or an expulsion.

4.In case of student’s misconduct or blatant defiance of prescribed rule, and after two or three consecutive warnings and failure to redress, the school has the right to suspend or expel the student thereafter.

5.No objectionable magazines (pornography) or photographs are allowed in the school. If found/caught then it may lead to suspension or an expulsion.

6.Use and possession of cellphones, i pods etc are strictly prohibited. If found, it will be seized and parents will be responsible to retrieve from the school.

7.No vandalism in any form and destruction of student or school property. A student found to cause damage to any property will have to bear the cost of repair or replacement of the item.

8.For any kind of misconduct with the teachers, school staff or fellow students, the defaulter will be suspended and/or expelled.

9.A student who fails to qualify academically for two consecutive years in the same class will not be permitted to continue at Cornerstone.

10.Black listed students on disciplinary grounds will also not be permitted to continue at Cornerstone.

Students are expected to be disciplined and punctual. The defaulters

For the 1st time- Warning will be given

For 2nd time- Detention with parents

For the 3rd time- Detention with parents summoned

For the 4th time- Sent back home.